• T.A. Galtseva
Keywords: academic self-efficacy of personality, self-esteem, goal-setting, reflection, subject of educational activity, subject of own development


The paper analyzes the peculiarities of academic self-efficacy during the adolescence. Identified were socio-psychological factors including the relationship with the teacher and peers, the indirect influence of parents’ understanding of the meaning of educational activities and of a complex system of educational motivation, the desire to idealize and be unique, freedom of choice, independent decision-making, responsibility for their own learning and future. Given was the definition of the construct as a kind of phenomenon of self-efficacy, which, on the one hand is characterized by an internal assessment of the readiness of the individual to take part in the active learning activities, and, on the other hand, is the result of self-transformation of the person in the course of educational activities. The role of reflexive processes in recognizing of the vital meanings of the education, psychological characteristics and mental reserves of own psyche development of the skills of independent work.


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