• N.V. Mykhalchenko
Keywords: reflection, patriotic reflection, consciousness, patriotic education, values


In work analyzes the scientific approaches to the definition of indicators of levels of development of patriotic reflection of the personality of late youth. Qualitative indicators of high, middle and low levels of development of patriotic personality reflection are determined.

The successful formation of the Ukrainian state is impossible without the revival and development of the national system of education and education, without the formation of a high level of spirituality and patriotism in the younger generation.

Formation of a patriot citizen is possible not only on the basis of the creation of the necessary external, objective educational conditions, but also taking into account the individual, age-old features of children and youth, their ability to adopt patriotic ideas, national values, aspirations for the development of the state. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of patriotic education of a person depends on the inclusion of psychologi- cal mechanisms of reflection. Therefore, it is patriotic reflection, as the ability of the individual to rethink his attitude towards the Motherland, its history.

In order to study the indicators of levels of development of patriotic reflection of the personality of late adolescence at the initial stage, we conducted a first-order verification experiment. 

The content analysis of the results of the first-order recording experiment made it possible to determine the levels of development of the patriotic reflection of the personality of the late youth, as well as its qualitative indices. That is why psychological and pedagogical work in the conditions of obtaining higher education will be a purposeful, systematic and consistent.

Among the main qualitative indicators of the low level of development of patriotic reflection we define the following: not formed a stable attitude of the personality of the late youth to the traditions of the family, national-patriotic values; there is no sense of individual responsibility and a sense of patriotic dignity; there is no readiness to form patriotic consciousness and self-consciousness, national dignity, character and outlook; lack of faith in their strength, readiness to make a concrete personal contribution to the development of a certain sphere of life, science, culture, the revival and development of the Ukrainian state.

The analysis makes it possible to argue that the work on national patriotic upbringing of youth in higher education institutions should be continued in the direction of forming the patriotic reflection of future educators.


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