• O.V Kuleshova
  • L.V. Mikheieva
Keywords: aggression, bullying, school environment, school violence, buller, victim, observers


The article is devoted to the extremely urgent problem of aggressive manifestations in the interpersonal relations of student youth. The paper offers an overview of some domestic and foreign scholars’ approaches to the concepts of “bullying”, “school violence”, and “aggression”.
In recent years, in our country and in the world, the spread of educational phenomena such as school bullying has been widely acknowledged as the school does not remain aside from the reality of life, and students take on patterns of interpersonal interaction, which become destructive. This is primarily caused by the unstable situation in society: the crisis of the modern family, low social status, unemployment, the imposition of the consumption ideology, the certain moral values rejection and the new benchmarks transition in society – all this is, perhaps, the most important factors contributing to the process of victimization of student youth.

Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the authors of the article found the following types of school bullying: 1) physical school bullying; 2) psychological school bulling: verbal psychological school bullying; 3) social psychological school bullying; 4) cyberbullying.

The paper describes the social-role structure of school bullying, which includes following: a bullying victim – a student who is the object of repression and threats; bullers – schoolchildren who systematically for a long time commit violent actions against the victim; observers – students who are not initiators of violence, but who become dependent on a tense situation because of their indifferent attitude.

A complex of preventive psychological measures for prevention and solution of the problem of school bullying is substantiated by the authors of the article.


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