• O.V. Kozak
Keywords: leadership, leadership qualities, leader, leader’s personality


The article presents the results of theoretical study of the leadership. The author analyzes the leadership qualities in the field of psychological research, reveals the results of theoretical interpretation of the concept of leadership by modern domestic and foreign scientists, the concept of the personality of the leader as a set of integrative psychological qualities of the person is researched. The actuality of theoretical and practical re- search of the concepts of leadership, leadership qualities and personality of the leader in modern psychological research has been confirmed.

Analysis of views on the essence of the phenomenon of leadership showed that the only point of view on him definition in science does not exist. For example, sociologists believe that the leader is member of the group, able to lead it, show an example, organize execution task and recognized in this role by the majority of members of the group. Somewhat differently interpreted the essence of the concept of “leader” psychologists. They consider this concept in three perspectives. First, the group must admin the right of an individual to make a decision for her. Secondly, the personality should be capable of making such a decision. Thirdly, the personality must be capable influence group members and inspire them to achieve a certain goal. Depending on the nature and scale of the challenges ahead different groups, scientists distinguish three types of leaders: political type (state, public figures); social type (in the trade union movement, various societies – scientific, creative, sports); household type (at family, student collectives, student groups, associations for interests).

New social realities require the creation of conditions for the training of a person capable of adapting as quickly as possible to study and develop. This necessitates research in the personality of leadership qualities, through which it will be able to make timely independent decisions, persuade others to correct their position, lead them on their way to achieving their goals, effectively interact with the society, self-actualize and become an active full and, above all, a productive part of society. Therefore, the problem of leadership and personality of the leader, becomes of great importance in the context of modern psychological discourse.


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