• T.S. Ketler-Mytnytska
Keywords: internality, locus of control, future psychologists, cognitive, personal and regulatory components of future psychologists’ internality, psychodiagnostic tools.


The means and results of modern studies of future psychologists’ internality are described in the article. It was found out that future psychologists’ internality had been studied by modern researchers as one of the factors of their professional formation. The structure of the internality and its impact on the students-psychologists’ readiness for personal and professional self-development have not been investigated yet. The most popular method of  studying internality was the LSC test (level of subjective control), created by E. Bazhyn, O. Golynkina, O. Etkind. Based on theoretical analysis of the scientific publications on the topic, three com- ponents of internality have been proposed by the author: cognitive, personal, regulatory. The methods suita- ble for the internality’s components study are described in the article. Five scales of the “Locus of control” test (according to O. Ksenofontova); “Self-assessment of the level of ontogenetic reflection” test (by M. Fetiskin, V. Kozlov, G. Manuilov); the “Ability to anticipate” test L. Regush; Test of Attributive Styles (TAS) by L. Rudina were proposed for diagnostics of the cognitive component of future psychologists’ internality. Seven scales of “Locus of control” test (according to O. Ksenofontova) are recommended for the diagnosis of the forma- tion of the personal component of internality. The “Scale of control over the action” questionnaire (J. Kull in the adaptation of S. Shapkin); three scales of “Locus of control” test (according to O. Ksenofontova); “The Self-Regu- lation of Behavior Style – SRB-98” questionnaire (V. Morosanova) have been selected to establish the formation of the regulatory component of future psychologists’ internality. The use of the offered methods within the framework of psychodiagnostic study of internality as a factor of future psychologists’ readiness for personal and profession- al self-development is substantiated. The perspective of future research is to use the chosen methods to study the influence of internality on the readiness of students-psychologists for personal and professional self-development.


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