• O.B. Yehorova
Keywords: hostility, aggression, medical and psychological theories, teenagers, gender


This work is the analysis of the last researches in area of deviant behavior of schoolboys. We set the problem to consider differences in the display of hostility for boys and girls in a puberty period.

The basic approaches and definitions of hostility, existing in modern science are examined in the article. The analysis of conceptions and directions of medical and psychological researches of this phenomenon is conducted.

It is found that most information in literature is devoted to analysis of manifestation of hostility at children, teenagers and adults. Very little researches are devoted to the study of problem of hostility at schoolboys of different gender.

Some authors (K. Horney) study hostility as neurotic aspiring to the power. Hostility and other negative emotions can appear spontaneously, they can be a reaction on a psychological traumatic situation, they are characteristic for children with psychical anomalies: schizophrenia et al (I. Furmanov).

Scientists study the different types of hostility, “hostile relation”, “hostile setting”; “hostile picture of the world” and “hostile personality”. Hostility can show up as a form of hatred, brutality, xenophobia, cynicism. 

Research was conducted on the base of general education schools of Slavyansk of the Donbass region. On the array of teenagers conduct an experiment. We used psychodiagnostic research methods: scale of hostility by W. Cook and D. Medley; Buss – Durkey Inventory; D. Stott’s card of supervisions; a test “Kinetic drawing of family” by R. Burns and S. Kaufmann.

We have carried out an empirical research of personality lines, aggression, school disadaptation, emotional  violations in family for teenagers. The analysis and summation of the results of our research allows us to conclude that there are gender distinctions of display of general hostility, hostility in family and at school. We found that for boys statistically higher indexes of general hostility and hostility to the teachers. It was revealed that the hostility toward children, hostility in a family situation, the hostility index dominate among girls.

Training was developed with correctional and preventive goal to overcome hostility and aggression in teenagers. The perspective ways of subsequent research are presented.

The article’s information may be useful to the audience of parents, teachers, psychologists, to everybody who is interested in the problem of bulling in the Ukrainian modern school.


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