• O.M. Hrinova
  • M.M. Baibekova
Keywords: personality, elder youth, spiritual potential, spirituallity, development


The problem of development of personality elder youth spiritual potential is researched in the article. Scientific positions of modern scientists about the study of spiritual values, senses and other phenomenons personality of youths spiritual sphere are analysed. Intercommunications of these mental phenomenon with development of spiritual consciousness of youngsters is discussed. Psychological features of spiritual potential development as integrative personality formation in youth age is considered. It is educed that considerable trands and contradiction of modern youths spiritual values development can cause difficulties of them spiritual increase and development of spiritual potential. Experimental research of personality elder youth spiritual potential development is conducted by questionnaire “Spiritual potential of personality” by Е.О. Pomitkin. The results of experimental research of spiritual potential development features in elder youth are presented. It is educed that in elder youth personality practices different strategies of the spiritual increase activity. He presents himself in task forces facilities of development of own spiritual potential. Development of sense-of-life orientations determinate self-examination of youngsters. Actualization of spiritual “Self” cause further trends of their spiritual potential self-development. In elder youth young people manage processes of their own spiritual increase. They construct methods of altruistic interactions with all people. However at the end of elder youth only some people achieve high level of development of their spiritual potential. The analysis of results of the conducted empiric research enabled to give description to the high, middle and low levels of spiritual potential development of youngsters. The further prospects of research of spiritual potential are studies of features of this psychological phenomenon in other age stages, and also elaboration of it’s development optimization special psychological program.


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