• M.A. Mospan National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
  • V.I. Kovalchuk National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
Keywords: coach authority, professional image, sport activity, I-concept


In the article the mechanisms of forming of authority in the presence of certain conditions and factors obeyed by socio-psychological, social-perceptual, communicative, cognitive, organizational-managerial and acmeological patterns are described. Our hypothesis is based on the assumption of the co-dependence of the expressiveness of the established authority of the coach, self-confidence and the ability to self-regulation. The article deals with two main aspects of this process: first, the creation of the ideal image of the self by the subject-coach, arising as a result of activity aimed at overcoming the contradictions between the I-concept of the subject and his image in others, and secondly, the process of image interaction, which results in a correction of the image in the direction of implementing the I-concept of the subject-coach in its correlation interactions with the I-concepts of other subjects in the system of social interaction.
Materials: a sample of the study participants consisted of 75 sports coaches, who took refresher courses based on the refresher training and retraining center of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine.
Results: high scores on the “Level of authority” scale differ significantly in groups of people with low self-esteem confidence from two other groups (in individuals with high confidence in their own authority and from the intermediate group (F(8,152)=4,86667, p=0,00002)).
Conclusions: the psychological background of the formation of the authority of sports coaches is the aware ness of their importance for the profession, knowledge of the theoretical bases of the development of the pro- fessional (sports) collective, the presence of communicative and organizational skills, the receiver’s receptivity to the athlete’s internal state, his personal value-semantic sphere, ability to timely and reasonably regulate re- lations between athletes and implement them in productive activities, perceptual skills, experience of empathy and pedagogical intuition.


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