Keywords: components of self-actualization, personality, self-determination, self-realization, personal potential, professional self-actualization


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to create a theoretical model of self-actualization of personalitybased on the content analysis of scientific concepts that study and research the problem of self-actualizationof personality in psychological science. Methods. The main research methods used to create a theoreticalmodel of scientific views on self-actualization of personality are theoretical analysis, synthesis, generalization,comparison, systematization, content analysis. Results. According to the results of a retrospective analysisof the problem of self-actualization of the individual, among the classical psychological approaches, the conceptof self-actualization is of particular importance in the studies of the humanistic approach. In these psychologicalconcepts, the source of self-actualization is determined by the activity of the motivational and volitional component, the actual needs, interests and values of the individual. It can be argued that the problem of selfactualizationof the individual in the Ukrainian psychological school today is covered more broadly, takinginto account the challenges of modern life. It has been found that self-actualization of the individual hasa significant impact on the professional sphere of activity, as it determines the formation of professionalmotivation, promotes goal setting and professional development, and the formation of self- and professionalidentity. Moreover, according to modern concepts, personal potential can be realized not only in the privateand professional spheres, but also be manifested in creativity, social interaction, self-development and selfimprovement.Self-actualization of a personality also serves as an element of counteracting stressful factorsaffecting a personality, acting as an essential psychological basis for the formation of emotional stability.Conclusions. Self-actualization of personality is a multicomponent phenomenon that encompasses the propertiesof the psychological nature of personality, its psychophysiological and psychosocial determinants. It has beenfound that the effectiveness and ability of a person to successfully realize his or her own potential are determinedby the ontogenetic features and experience of the personality, its motivational, affective and value components,etc. An integrative study of the main psychological concepts of self-actualization of the individual allows fora retrospective look at the emergence of self-actualization of the individual as an actual psychological problem,and thus, further expand its content in the present.


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