Keywords: stress, consequences of professional stress, maladaptive disorders, professional and pedagogical activity, special school teachers


Purpose. In the conditions of the reform of the education system in Ukraine, the stated topic acquires special significance and relevance. We consider emotional burnout to be one of the most widespread and dangerous consequences of the negative impact of the profession on the individual, which determined the purpose of our work – to investigate the features of emotional burnout as an indicator of professional maladjustment among teachers of the special education system. Methods. To solve the research problem, reliable and valid psychodiagnostic methods were used – “Diagnostics of emotional burnout” by V.V. Boyka and the questionnaire for assessing the level of psychophysiological professional maladjustment O.M. Rodinoi, adapted by M.A. Dmitrieva. Collection of empirical data was carried out both in groups and individually, in compliance with all ethical requirements. Results. It was found that the signs of emotional burnout were widespread in the studied group – 88.8% of respondents. It was determined that the dominant phase of emotional burnout in this pedagogical environment is resistance, the degree of expression of which in 59.2% of respondents corresponds to the “level of finished formation” and in 40.8% to the “level of progressing formation”. The most common symptoms of emotional burnout among teachers of the special education system were established: the symptom of “experiencing psychotraumatic circumstances” in the tension phase; according to the phase of resistance “inadequate emotional selective response”, “expansion of the sphere of saving emotions”, “reduction of professional duties”; according to the exhaustion phase, “psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders”. The symptom indicating dissatisfaction with oneself according to the stress phase was the least represented in this category of subjects. Based on the data of the correlation analysis and the conjugation table, the specifics of the relationship between indicators of emotional burnout and indicators of psychophysiological professional maladjustment among teachers of special schools for children with intellectual disabilities were determined. Conclusions. Based on the results of the psychodiagnostic study, the features of emotional burnout in the studied pedagogical environment were determined. The destructive nature of emotional burnout as a syndrome of professional stress has been proven. The psychophysiological aspect of professional maladjustment of special school teachers was analyzed and its specificity was determined. Based on the analysis of statistically significant relationships between the studied categories, the legality of considering emotional burnout as an indicator of professional maladjustment of a special education teacher has been proven. It is possible to create psychological prognosis regarding the emergence and development of professional maladjustment of this category of teachers based on the analysis of their emotional burnout, which is definitely the value of this work.


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