Keywords: holistic approach, complex dynamics, well-being, psychoprophylaxis, statistical evaluation


The purpose of article is theoretical-methodological analysis and empirical studies of Ukrainianand foreign scientist’s with aim of presenting psychological and pedagogical scientific public with obviouscriteria, complex psychodiagnostic indicators (pre-morbid) state between health and illness, when individualis already not healthy, but not sick either. Classic methods are mainly focused on diagnosis of various diseasestypes. Problem of developing methods for diagnosing health and disease, under well-known theoreticaland methodological approaches of publications by specialists from different countries of world, without theiractual application during training and professional activities: of doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, socialworkers, teachers of general educational institutions, is not sufficiently resolved, everyday life of ordinarycitizens various ages. Main methods of conducting research are: theoretical-methodological and longitudinalcontent analysis of scientist’s publications who have long defended the views of «health of the healthy», «thirdborderline state between health and illness», «methods of maintaining psychosomatic health», «a holistic approach to medical and psychological research». The method of comparing empirical data on distributionof manifestations of psychosomatic health disorders among subjects of various ages over the past 20–25 yearsproved to be productive. The result of article is description and systematization of relevant informationregarding development of seven most common classes of diseases, consistent presentation of basic indicatorsof psychosomatic health disorders according to results of various data authors. Conclusions are actual resultsof comparative statistical analysis studies and publications by scientists from different countries of world,highlighting the relevance of borderline phenomenon (premorbid) state between health and disease and needfor further theoretical, methodological and empirical research.


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