Keywords: psychology of will, Higher Self, self-awareness, self-development, self-efficacy, self-management, self-regulation, personality psychology, time management


Abstract. This scientific article examines the concept of the “Higher Self” of Robert Assagioli and Pier Ferrucci in the context of personality psychology and time management practices. The necessity to actualize the concept of “Higher Self”, in our view, is associated with the existing problem of personal and professional identity in contemporary conditions. The solution to the identity problem proposed in the studies of R. Assagioli and P. Ferrucci creates a psychological foundation overall for effective life strategies and, specifically, for enhancing time competence. The article analyzes the main ideas put forward in this concept, such as selfawareness, self-development, self-management and self-regulation. It is clarified how these concepts are related to the psychology of the individual and affect effective time management. The article also considers various practical methods of applying the concept of the “Higher Self” in everyday life, personal development and professional activity. In particular, approaches to introspection, self-evaluation, setting labels and priorities, planning and organizing work time, as well as strategies for managing stress and ensuring balance between different areas of life are considered. It highlights how the use of the concept of “Higher Self” can contribute to effective time management, improvement of personal qualities and success in various spheres of life. The following methods of research are used, including general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and specifically: analysis of theoretical sources and conceptual analysis, empirical research, case study method, and cognitive experiments method. The purpose of the study is to actualize the psychological concept of the “Higher Self” in the context of time management issues. The research method is the approach of integral psychology in the context of time management issues, reinforced by general scientific methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis. The result of the study was the generalization of the understanding of the concept of “Higher Self” in the scientific discourse of integral psychology in the context of time management. In this sense, studies of the psychology of the will acquire special importance in their multidimensional connections with the problems of integral psychology and in particular the concept of the “Higher Self”. The main conclusion we came to in the process of research lies in the peculiarities of the interaction of a person’s willpower, which belongs to the composition of the “Higher Self” and time space. And the fact that, under certain conditions, in the process of these interactions, a certain entropy of volitional power occurs, which significantly lowers the level of human subjectivity, which is associated with the volitional activity of the Higher Self.Using the concept of the “Higher Self” in time management can help an individual develop a more flexible and adaptive approach to the use of time. The Higher Self can help you understand that sometimes you need to change your time management approaches based on changing circumstances, goals, or priorities. This may include the ability to reschedule, reorganize, and abandon unproductive activities. The Higher Self can help the individual develop flexible time management strategies that fit their current needs and context.


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