Keywords: development, psychological support, psychologist, education, educational institutions, correction, diagnosis, special educational needs, inclusion, inclusive environment, students, children


Purpose. Ways of promoting the psychosocial development of children with special needs through educationwere highlighted. Methods: analysis, generalization, summarization, synthesis, which made it possible togroup modern research vectors of the problem of promoting the psychosocial development of children withspecial needs through education. Results. Modern society is actively working to provide inclusive educationthat takes into account the unique educational needs of each child, with a special emphasis on children withspecial needs. The central idea is to create an adapted educational environment that provides comprehensivesupport for their social integration and adaptation. The importance of an individual approach that takes intoaccount the specific needs and characteristics of each child is key to their socialization and self-realization. Education that focuses on personal development, adaptation of educational programs, creation of conditionsfor acquiring practical skills, as well as social adaptation, acts as the main direction of inclusive education.The role of psychological support and cooperation between teachers, parents, and specialists of variousprofiles is integral to ensuring not only academic, but also social and emotional development of children.Creating a favorable inclusive environment in educational institutions that guarantees equal access to qualityeducation and opportunities for comprehensive development, along with the development and implementationof specialized programs for the comprehensive development of children with special needs, are criticallyimportant. Conclusions. Highlighting the role of the education system in supporting these children, includingearly identification of specific needs and provision of appropriate support, points to the need for interdisciplinarycollaboration to create an effective support system. Through a detailed review of research and practices, thisarticle highlights the importance of inclusive education as a means of psychosocial development and integrationof children with special needs into society. It highlights the critical role of an inclusive educational environmentin promoting equal opportunities for learning and development for all children, regardless of their physical,mental or social limitations, emphasizing the importance of realizing the rights of every child to a qualityeducation within the framework of general human rights principles.


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