Keywords: functions of trust, subject of trust, object of trust, conditions of trust, factors of trust, behavioral component, affective component, cognitive component, conative component, types of trust


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to create a model of the development of interpersonal trustand synthesis of previously obtained research results. Methods. The main methods of research are theoretical analysis and synthesis, which are used to select and generalize information, compare and critically analyzeit, as well as create a model of trust development. Results. The result of the theoretical analysis of earlierstudies of the concept of “trust” is a model of the development of trust. The obtained model begins withthe classification of manifestations of trust and the transition to the consideration of three phasesof the development of interpersonal trust. The first phase is associated with passive actions of the subject:assessment of conditions, influence of factors, with activation of affective, conative and cognitive structuralcomponents of trust, and in case of transition to the second, active phase, forces acquire the functions performedby trust for the subject. During the second phase, the behavioral component of the trust structure is activatedand manifestations of trust can be divided into types that can vary from the level of formality of the relationshipto the essence of expectations regarding the actions of the object of trust. In case of transition from the secondphase of trust to the third, the functions that trust performs for both parties of trust are activated. With the onsetof the third phase, which consists in the response of the object, the functions of trust for the object and forsociety as a whole are activated, establishing a positive effect on a larger number of persons. Conclusions. Theconclusion of the article is that the developed model of the development of trust makes it possible to specifyresearch directions depending on the goal pursued by the researcher, because after familiarizing yourself withthe flow of phases and its inherent components, you can narrow down the number of methods used to obtainthe desired result.


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