Keywords: attachment style, object relations, symbolization of experiences, projective identification, mental affectivity


The presented material reveals the historical and methodological aspect of psychoanalysis of child violenceon the material of South American theoretical and applied research. The article is aimed at a bibliographicreview of the main psychoanalytic foundations of understanding violence (on the example of sexual violence),and discussion of modern problems of its manifestation in the discourse of social vulnerability of children and psychotherapeutic technologies of work with them. The defined theoretical and methodological coursefor the analysis of child sexual abuse uses methods consisting of research procedures, bibliographic review,psychoanalytic studies and therapeutic recommendations. The main results of the study are a generalizationof the provisions that psychoanalysis of Z. Freud formed the basis for understanding the phenomenon of violenceand aggressiveness, on which auxiliary means of deep manifestation of intrapsychic aspects of experiencingthe consequences of trauma by sexual violence of a child are built; the basic characteristics of sexual violenceof a child (signs, types, consequences) are considered and the need to determine the content of psychologicaltraumas is emphasized (symptoms) of the child and the use of psychotherapeutic technologies of psychoanalyticdirection, among which psychotherapy of mentalization occupies a leading position; expanded understandingof violent situations through the role of internalized object relations and the child’s attachment style; it isemphasized that traumatic sexual experience is associated with mental negative projective identification; revealedpsychological aspects of mentalization disorders, which determine the logic of psychotherapy of mentalization;applied research on mental disorders and experience of Brazilian psychoanalysts in psychosocial assistance tochildren and adolescents who have become victims of sexual violence are indicated; the purpose, variationsand stages of psychotherapy of mentalization are outlined; Alternatives to providing access to psychotherapeutictreatment for children and adolescents who have become victims of sexual violence with a system of socialand psychological assistance are presented. The conclusions indicate that the presented alternative optionsfor psychosocial assistance to restructure the trauma of violence, increase self-esteem and teach protectivebehavior in childhood reduces the risk of re-victimization and the development of aggressive behavior.


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