Keywords: intolerance of uncertainty, decision-making style, cognitive style, subjective perception of stress, rationality, intuitiveness


The aim of the article is to analyze empirical data that substantiates the connection between toleranceof uncertainty, decision-making strategies, stress levels, and successful adaptation of business leaders ina state of war. Methodology. The research is based on the concept of war as an extraordinary crisis situationcharacterized by a high level of uncertainty and eliciting a wide range of adaptive reactions. An online surveyof 109 entrepreneurs and business leaders was conducted in October–November 2022. The peculiarities of lifesituations and professional matters were clarified, based on which three experimental groups with differentlevels of adaptability were identified: problematic (N=25), normal (N=59), and super-successful (N=25). Thestudy examined decision-making patterns and personal factors influencing this process. We used questionnaire“The General Decision-Making Style” (GDMS), Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ),Rational-Experiential Inventory (REI-40), Cognitive Style Indicator (CoSI), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10),and Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS-12). A comparative analysis of data from different adaptability groups was conducted, and correlations between variables were examined. The results demonstrate a sufficiently highlevel of tolerance of uncertainty among business executives, while they are also concerned with organizationand activity planning. Tolerance of uncertain situations determines the nature of adaptation. Problematic adaptationis accompanied by high levels of anticipatory and suffocating anxiety, pronounced intolerance of uncertainty. Theability to use a crisis as a stimulus for development is accompanied by an acceptance of uncertainty – such leadersare least distressed by unexpected events, contradictions, or lack of information. Numerous correlations betweenIUS-12 indicators and decision-making parameters are shown. Conclusions. Tolerance of uncertainty can beregarded as a determining factor that influences the cognitive assessment of a stressful situation and, at the sametime, the selection of constructive or defensive strategies to overcome it.


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