Purpose. In conditions of war, individuals are forced to adapt quickly to changes in their living circumstances,which disrupt their connection with the social environment. In the face of adaptive stress, a destructive orientationtowards resolving life’s challenges may arise, leading to the formation of specific coping strategies. Previousresearch has shown that this tendency is characteristic of a portion of the population, and not all membersof society experiencing wartime conditions feel adaptive stress. Age-related differences in coping responsesto adaptive stress persist, depending on the level of reflection on the surrounding reality and the numberof stressful situations encountered by an individual. Methods. The objective of the study was to identifyage differences in coping strategies among adolescents and adults in stressful conditions. The participantswere consistently located in the territory of Ukraine. We employed survey methods and the Coping BehaviorInventory for Stressful Situations developed. This methodology allows for the examination of the most optimalways in which individuals solve tasks in stressful conditions, including self-oriented problem-solving, emotionfocusedcoping, avoidance, distraction, and social diversion. Results. Prior to the study, based on the surveyresults, we determined that the participants were experiencing stress due to the conditions of war and wereaware of the need to adapt to the new living conditions. The research findings indicate that the leading coping strategy among the adolescent and adult participants is problem-solving orientation, which suggests that theyare inclined towards constructive task resolution, mobilizing personal resources, and not shifting responsibilityonto others. The least popular coping strategy is “social diversion” indicating that the participants tend notto rely on external assistance when facing stress-related challenges. Conclusions. The formation of copingstrategies indicates the adaptation of the participants to the stress caused by war.
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