Keywords: communicative function, children with learning difficulties, correctional work


The article presents the results of diagnostics of the state of formation of the communicative function in children with learning difficulties in the primary level of school with the aim of correcting problems. The purpose of the study is to highlight communication skills in order to correct the shortcomings of their formation. The research uses the method of finding out the meaningful characteristics of communicative activity, its diagnosis and methods of corrective influence. Results. It was established that the state of the communicative function of children with learning difficulties is not formed in accordance with the normative development, which is reflected in the educational process of children of this category. For the purpose of formation, it is necessary to carry out both a differentiated and an individual approach, which will contribute to the improvement of the state of the communicative function and the thinking process. For the formation of communicative abilities and skills, the course “Oral (spoken) communication” (author E.V. Yakubovska, 2016) is introduced into the program for grades 1–4 of a special school, which can be used when working with children in inclusive rehabilitation centers with a diagnosis mental retardation. Its task includes the process of mastering conversational speech based on the correction of all components of the speech act: to help children understand and generalize the speech experience they have, to improve such qualitative characteristics of oral speech as pronunciation, tempo, diction, intonation, expressiveness; to increase their general culture of speech communication and communication. Conclusion. Children with learning disabilities lag behind their peers in communicative activity. In the process of forming social interaction skills in elementary school students, it is necessary to implement both a differentiated and an individual approach, related to the depth of intellectual underdevelopment of a specific child, the level of his mental and physical ability to work, and the emotional and volitional sphere. It is necessary to conduct classes that emphasize the communicative function of speech, pragmatics and semantics of speech, establish the rules of conducting a conversation, take into account the para-linguistic aspect, which includes kinesthetics, proxemics, and vocalistics.


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