Keywords: psychologival correction, speech, communication, medical and psychological correction, psychological consulting, stroke


Purpose. The article aims to study the concept of “psychological correction” in the modern research literature and proposes the concept “psychological correction of speech”. Methods. The article uses theoretical research methods, namely analysis and generalization of the theoretical and methodological foundations of research to determine the state of development of the problem and promising directions for its solution. Results. We consider it is important for our further research to clear the meaning of the following basic concepts such as communication, personality-oriented approach, medical and psychological correction. In the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, the number of people in need of special help and support at all levels is significantly increasing, in particular with regard to the restoration of speech in case of local lesions of brain structures. Since one of the most common nosological groups, characterized by a high level of disability of working age, is a group of cerebrovascular pathologies associated with local brain damage, accompanied by impaired higher mental functions, there is a need for more detailed study of psychological correction of speech disorders after suffered a stroke in adults. One of the main conditions of speech communication is the feedback provided by the acts of transmission and receipt of the speech message. The rupture of the connection between these mechanisms in local brain lesions, which leads to the destruction of speech activity and makes it impossible to communicate, lies at the heart of aphasia. Conclusions. We consider the psychological correction of speech as a set of methods of subject-object influence on the client in order to correct speech and thinking disorders that regulate behavior in a particular speech situation.


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