Purpose. On the basis of theoretical interpretations analysis of the subjective well-being phenomenon toidentify the psychological factors and resources for its maintenance by young people who nowadays happen tobe in conditions of social uncertainty.Methods: general theoretical methods of analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization,interpretation of different scientific approaches and empirical results.Results. The analysis of the well-being problem development has been carried out, the correlation betweenthe concepts of subjective and psychological well-being has been considered. Subjective well-being is definedas a person’s emotional and evaluative attitude towards their own life, their own personality, relationships withother people, and which is expressed through satisfaction with life in general and its individual spheres and isthe basis for self-realization. The factors and psychological resources of subjective well-being maintenancehave been analyzed, their specifics and differences between them have been determined. Adolescence is considered as a period when the trajectory of a person’s well-being is being established. At the same time, it isnoted that young people are one of the vulnerable social categories of population in the context of preservingtheir health and psychological well-being, especially in conditions of social instability and uncertainty. Thepsychological resources of an individual are presented as transformation means of such conditions perception,and as the ones which play a key role in mastering them and maintaining subjective well-being.Conclusions. Subjective well-being reflects the well-being of various aspects of entity and includes the person’sassessment and attitude towards themselves and their life. It also involves the subject’s activity which determinesthe desire for self-realization, confidence about the possibility and ability to influence situations, master them.Focusing on uncertainty as a special social life background complicates certain aspects of achieving subjectivewell-being by young people as one of the vulnerable social categories in the context of their well-being. Theinclusion of tolerance to uncertainty in the context of the young people’s subjective well-being research asa psychological resource for its maintenance will become a perspective for further study.
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