Keywords: parental attitude style, family upbringing style, family relations, socio-psychological factors, internality, nuclear family, interaction, family relations


The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between the youth's ideas about the style of family upbringing in the parental family and the indicators of general internality as the ability to take responsibility for the results and consequences of their activities. The scientific approach to the construction of life projects by E.V. Cherny, O.R.Tuchina has been taken as a basis. According to the authors' opinion, there is a bipolar model of the human life determination, where one pole is repressiveness as a set of the potential or actual practices, and technologies, which oppress or carry a threat to suppress a person, their subjectivity, individuality, freedom, the other pole is permissiveness (Engl. permission – to allow). The research methods have been applied: The methodology ‘The level of subjective control’ (E.F. Bazhin, L.M. Etkind); The questionnaire ‘The styles of parental attitude: repressiveness/permissiveness’ (E.V. Chernyi). The results. It has been established that the concepts ‘type of family upbringing’, ‘style of parental attitude’, and ‘parental position’ are close in content. The style of parental attitude is an integral multi-dimensional formation, in which the emotional component is highlighted (feeling attitude towards the child), the cognitive component (the idea of the child, of oneself as parents, of the family situation in general), the behavioral component reflects the readiness for certain actions, and real actions towards the child. The conclusions. It has been found out that the student youth's ideas about the upbringing style in the parental family are related to the indicator of general internality at a statistically significant level; that is, the young people, who believe that they were brought up in an open, partnership, trusting atmosphere, to a greater extent in adulthood, are able to take responsibility for their actions, their results and consequences.


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