Keywords: life fulfillment, coping strategies, perfectionism, psychological gender, personality, teacher


The purpose of the article is to empirically investigate the peculiarities of reflexive and phenomenologicalcorrelates of the life realization of an individual.Methods. Theoretical – analysis and synthesis, specification, generalization, systematization, comparisonof scientific provisions; empirical – questionnaires and testing implemented through relevant psychodiagnostictools: the test “Coping behavior in stressful situations” by S. Norman and others, adapted by T. Kryukova;questionnaire “Polydimensional scale of perfectionism” by P. Gewitt and H. Flett; the methodology “Researchof masculinity-femininity of the individual” by S. Bem; mathematical and statistical – calculating percentages,finding descriptive statistics data, correlation analysis (according to Ch. Pearson). Results. The essence of the concept of axiopsychological design of the life realization of the individualis revealed. The dominance of “task solving” coping was revealed, which was expressed at the average(63.75%) and high (36.25%) levels, as well as the low (58.56%) and average (41.44%) levels of the strategy" avoidance". Among the components of perfectionism, the priority of socially attributed perfectionism, orsocially normalized perfectionism, was established. The vast majority of respondents (66%) have an averagelevel of perfectionism, 15% have a high level, and 19% have a low level. A manifestation of androgyny (5.08 –the main index) was established due to the predominance of the indicator of the “masculinity” scale (5.42).Regular intratest correlations were revealed, as well as a statistically significant (р = 0.01; р = 0.05) negativecorrelation between femininity and avoidance.Conclusions. The study of reflexive and phenomenological correlates of life realization shows thatthe interviewed teachers of the period of late adulthood both rationally and emotionally adequately interprettheir personality, life experience, their own present – activity, intellectual activity, experiences and, accordingly,their future – plans and perspectives. A reflective attitude to one's life turns a person's life path into an objectof creative activity, and he becomes his subject, psychologically ready for future events. Reflection isthe principle of existence and development of the inner world of man.


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