Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial motivation, self-realization, an entrepreneur’s personal potential


The article goal is to identify a set of personal qualities that contribute to effective entrepreneurshipand the specific development of such qualities.Methods: the test for general entrepreneurial abilities (GET TEST); the test-questionnaire for selforganization;the self-determination test; the General Self-Efficacy Scale developed by R. Schwarzer,M. Jerusalem. The research sample consisted of 62 people – representatives of small businesses (successfulentrepreneurs and beginners) who belonged to three main activity spheres (goods sales, provision of services,production).Results. The main entrepreneurial motives are the desire for initiative and activity, respect and self-respect,self-realization, risk acceptance. The entrepreneurial abilities compared among successful entrepreneursand beginners showed some reliable differences: in particular, successful entrepreneurs had higher need forachievements, better purposefulness and determination, their need for independence was more pronounced;their creativity, the ability to accept reasonable risks, purposefulness and determination were more stronglyexpressed. As for personal determinants of entrepreneurial success, the factors of personal autonomy, selfexpression,purposefulness, planning and self-efficacy were greatly important.Conclusions. The psychological factor influencing most strongly entrepreneurial activities wasan individual’s motivation for self-realization, the motives of commercial success, freedom and independencewere important to the nearly same degree. The internal basis for an individual’s successful entrepreneurshipincluded: the desire for freedom and independence, self-efficacy; the faith in one’s own abilities; the need for achievement; willpower and organizational abilities; existing life goals; meaningfulness of life; purposefulness;self-organization; the ability to control life events; perseverance and planning; innovativeness, desire fornovelty and intuition; the ability to accept reasonable risks; creativity.


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