Keywords: values, value orientations, motivations, transformation, oncologic disease


The article considers the aspects of value orientations, motivations of people who were diagnosed cancer,social and psychological life values transformation of cancer patients.Article objective is the theoretic and empiric investigation of the cancer influence on psychological aspectsof life values transformation of cancer patients.Methods. In order to solve the research tasks there were many methods used, specifically, theoreticaland methodological analysis, systematization and generalization of psychological data based on the researchproblem, the empiric method chosen was Personal values survey by Milton Rokeach.Statistical methods of the research are the methods of mathematical statistics, comparative analysis,and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Patients who were diagnosed cancer of different localizationsparticipated in the research. Total sample size consists of 79 people, 19 of which are male patients and 50 femalepatients, who receive oncologic treatment in the departments of “Kherson regional oncological hospital” withthe disease duration for more than two months.Research results. According to the results of our research it was established that the oncologic diseaseinterferes not only the biologic aspect of person existence but also the social one. The data we received points tothe character of transformation processes with their focus on the values inherent to creating the motives-targets forthe maximum comfortable existence of the own self with minimum attention to the social aspects of life. Conclusion. On the basis of the research results received we see that during the period of cancer treatmentperson chooses safety and fundamentals of own self in personal and family life as the core values to focus on.The values which refer to the social life, perspectives of personality development in the society occupyindifferent and insignificant place in the life of people who has cancer.


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