Keywords: communicativeness, organizational tendencies, bilingualism, multilingualism, leadership, recommendations for leadership qualities development


The purpose of the research presented in the article was to clarify the not yet fully studied aspectof the structure of leadership qualities in bilingual students and to develop psychological and pedagogicalrecommendations for the progress of leadership qualities in such multilingual students. The research methodwas an ascertaining experiment with the use of the following psychological methods: diagnosis of leadershipabilities (E. Zharikov, E. Krushelnytskyi), “Diagnostics of communicative and organizational tendencies”(B. Fedoryshyn), “I am a leader” (A. Lutoshkin). The sample included 50 students of the FPSW OdessaI.I. Mechnikov National University in 2021. Results. According to the first method, it was found that 40%of the subjects have weak leadership qualities, it is desirable for them to develop their leadership qualities, tobe more decisive and proactive. The average level is found at 52%, these people, in addition to everything, arestrong-willed, patient, and adapt well to new conditions. A high level of leadership qualities is found only intwo subjects. Two students scored more than 40 points, which indicates that they are prone to authoritarianism.According to the third method, a five-component distribution of the subjects’ ability to be a leader was determined in connection with the level of development of their organizational and communicative qualities.In order to specify exactly, which leadership qualities need further development, a study of bilingual studentswas carried out using the “I am a leader” test, which specifies 8 types of leadership qualities. It was found thatthe highest level of leadership characteristic of the subjects (36%) was the quality of “awareness of the goal”;at the lowest level – the quality of “knowledge of the organizational work rules” (was not developed in 28%of subjects). Conclusions. Among the tested, a large number showed an insufficient level of leadership qualitiesdevelopment, we estimate this as a negative trend in their personal and social positions; therefore, we gavepsychological and pedagogical recommendations for the progress of leadership qualities of bilingual students.Their practical implementation will help determine the direction that needs refinement and choose methodsand techniques for further development of leadership potential.


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