Keywords: competition, competitiveness, autonomy, mobility, special competence, social competence, personal competence, professional competence, professionalism


Purpose. The goal is to investigate the current state of development of the problem of individual competitiveness in psychological science. The relevance of the research is determined by the dynamic development of the modern world, which requires highly qualified competitive specialists capable of effective activity at the level of European standards. Methods. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis of the psychological phenomenon of competitiveness, comparison, synthesis and generalization of modern scientific research on competitiveness. Results. Based on the study of specialized psychological literature, the understanding of competitiveness has been deepened, and the scientific approaches of foreign and domestic researchers regarding the definition of the essence, main components, conditions and factors of the development of a competitive personality have been generalized and systematized. The results of the study are planned to be used as a basis for empirical research and the development of a program of psychological assistance in the development of individual competitiveness. Conclusions. It was found that the competitiveness of an individual is determined by the degree of correspondence of personal qualities and professional knowledge, abilities and skills of a competitive specialist to the objective requirements of professional activity and socio-economic conditions. The authors of the article note that the personal components of a competitive specialist include axiological, cognitive, proxeological and reflective components. In various conceptual models of the development of a competitive personality, the following are considered: as an object of development – integral characteristics of the personality; as a fundamental condition – the transition to a higher level of self-awareness, as driving forces – the contradictory unity of the I-acting, I-reflected and I-creative; as a result of development – creative self-realization. A promising vector for further research of the specified problem has been identified, namely the construction of a model of the process of psychological support aimed at the development of a competitive personality.


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