Keywords: ecologically oriented (proecological) personality, ecologically oriented (proecological) behavior, ecological altruism, way of life, self-efficacy


Purpose. This article examines the pro-ecological behavior of the individual in terms of psychologicaldeterminants of its formation. The aim is to study the interpretation of the concept of “ecologically orientedpersonality” and the determinants of the formation of appropriate personality behavior in psychology.Methods. The study used such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, comparisonand generalization. Both the most popular theories of formation of ecologically oriented behavior of the person,and its modern researches served as a basis.Results. Significant scientific interest in the psychological correlates of environmental behavior focuseson the demographic and socio-psychological characteristics of people who consistently perform appropriate environmentally oriented actions. Accordingly, the psychological features of ecologically oriented behavior areprecisely the driving forces that motivate, or, conversely – do not contribute to pro-environmental activities inrelation to the environment. Describes theories of personality behavior in relation to the environment, proposedby scientists, such as: altruistic, lifestyle, self-efficacy, and so on. It is determined that a universal concept isa way of life – a way and established habits of life. Much attention is also paid to the concept of self-efficacyas a driver of pro-ecological human activities.Conclusions. The subject of this article is relevant and is gaining more and more interest in the scientificworld. The process of studying the correlates of ecologically oriented behavior is not what is completed, butmoves to the peak of its popularity and need. The analysis of scientific theories and developments makes it clearthat the set of statements about ecologically oriented personality is to define it as demonstrating the regularityof actions in various spheres of life in relation to the environment, such as energy efficiency and waterconsumption, use of environmentally friendly modes of transport, waste reduction. Еcological behavior is partof ecological consciousness and depends on it.


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