The aim of the study is to establish the interconnection between students' perception of the sociopsychologicalclimate of the group and their subjective welfare level.Methods. To study the peculiarities of the perception of the socio-psychological climate by the studentyouth, the method of questionnaires has been applied (O. D. Starodubets); to study the students' psychologicalwelfare, the technique “The Scale of the Psychological Welfare” has been applied (K. Riff, adapted byT. Shevelenkova, T. Fesenko), which includes the following subscales: “The Positive Relationships withPeople Around”, “Autonomy”, “Environment Management”, “Personal Growth”, “The Goals in Life”, “Self-Acceptance”.Results. It has been stated that the socio-psychological climate is a complex of socio-psychologicalphenomena and processes in the group, which are represented by the system of interpersonal relations,the group’s states and moods, public opinion, values, traditions, moral standards, etc. In the empirical research,it has been proved the presence of statistically significant correlational interconnections between the evaluationlevel of the socio-psychological climate in the university environment and the subjective psychological welfareof the student youth. It has been indicated that in the favorable socio-psychological climate of the collective, the individual feels the ability to make their own decisions, think and act independently. The positive assessmentof the socio-psychological atmosphere of the university environment affects the students' ability to realizethe value of today's moment of life, the formation of a stable life position, aspiration to build their own pathof professional and personal development. It has been established the statistically significant interconnectionbetween positive attitude towards oneself, high level of self-esteem, self-respect, one's personal potential,and the assessment of the socio-psychological climate as favorable.Conclusions. The socio-psychological climate and social welfare of the individual are connected withthe individual's attitude to work, attitude to other people, and attitude to life, in turn, the students’ satisfactionwith studying at the university depends on their position in the collective interaction.
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