Keywords: personality, procrastination, youth age, delay, anxiety, social pressure


Purpose is to explore the contemporary state of personality youth age procrastination problem elaborationin psychological science.Methods. Theoretical analysis of psychological phenomenon procrastination, comparison, classificationand synthesis of modern scientifical research of procrastination in youth were used.Results. Research of professional psychological literature promote understanding of procrastination,generalization and arrangement of ideas about specifics of this psychological phenomenon developmentin personal world of youth age individual. Conclusions. Procrastination is complex psychological phenomenon, its experience comes with negativeemotions. This phenomenon display people response on social necessity in accomplishment of low personalsignificant activity. In youth individual faces not only the need to construct his own personal goals, but alsothe need to work hard for realization of his life plans at first. High complexity of this goal achievementand absence of life success guarantees causes young men and women to delay such activities or fix onprocrastination strategy. Procrastination comes over not only common socially determined activities, but alsotake form of personal generalized life strategy. Expressed procrastination causes decline of personality’s lifeenergy in different ways of his social world. It can become cause effortless life stance at all. Procrastination isnearly concerned in different phenomena of individual personal world. An “active” procrastinators feel highanxiety, anger, temper. Such negative emotions cause mobilization of their own psychological resources forrealization and finish of necessary procrastinated activity. Unlike them, “passive” procrastinators feel sad,disappointment, boredom. They realistically predict future social sanctions. But they don’t finish their activityin time. In elder youth young people develop their ability in management of their own procrastination. Inincreasing frequency, they use this strategy for short-time planning of complex or new tasks realization. But,according to modern scientists’ research analysis, elder youth aged youngsters often use ineffective waysof procrastination.


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