Keywords: resilience, optimism, resources, pandemic, adaptation, youth, adulthood


The aim is to summarize research on resilience and optimism during the various stages of the SARS-СOV-2 pandemic and to identify predictors that determine these resources for resilience and self-regulation.Methods used are the following: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization,systematization of scientific literature on the study of resources of personal stability in difficult life situations);empirical CD-RISC-10 method developed on the basis of CD-RISC K. Conner, J. Davidson to determinethe level of resilience (adapted by Z. Kireeva, O. Odnostalko, B. Biron); Life Orientation Test (LOT) developedby psychologists S. Carver and M. Scheier to measure optimism as a trait (adapted by T. Gordeeva, O. Sychova,E. Osina); questionnaire of temperament structure (OST, V. Rusalov), in particular indices of formal-dynamicproperties of a person; questionnaires; methods of mathematical statistics: descriptive statistics, correlation,factorial and regression analysis. Results. It has been determined that subjective cognitive assessments of the situation change from “Nothingspecial” and “Psychologically difficult situation” to “Dangerous situation” during the pandemic and quarantinemeasures. The existence of statistical differences in levels of resilience and optimism depending on age has beendemonstrated. It is observed that the number of those who had a high level of resilience decreases (p <0.05)by the third month from the beginning of quarantine, which was imposed during the pandemic. Optimismand resilience have been found to be interrelated resources. It is stated that with age, resilience and optimismin an atypical situation requires the involvement of more predictors, because only positive expectations are notenough.Conclusion. It was determined that resilience combines the past (reflection on past living experiencesand overcoming difficult life situations), present (awareness of new circumstances, their conditionand transformation of patterns of behavior in difficult conditions of the present) and future (positive expectationsin the future, even unrealistic or ostentatious) in middle adulthood.


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