Keywords: marriage and parental subsystem, model, upbringing style, parent-child relations, indicator, psychological variables


Purpose – research of parent-child at the level of two subsystems of marriage and parental in order todetermine the psychological characteristics of families raising children with special educational needs.Methods. The following psychological techniques were used to study families raising young childrenwith special educational needs, namely: E. Eidemiller’s and W. Justitskis’s Analysis of Family Relationships, Freiburg Personality Inventory, FPI); Study of character accentuations (A. Egides in the modificationof I. Slobodyanyuk, O. Kholodova, O. Oleksenko and Study of parental attitude) (A. Varga, V. Stolin)In addition, the following statistical methods were implemented: the method of comparing averages(Compare Means) in order to compare the averages of personality factors in adults of different groups.Results. In the course of the research the following results were obtained: the initial empirical facts todetermine the characteristics of child-parent relationship, became variables that were determined usingstandardized psychodiagnostic tools and built a factor model of parent-child relationship, which included10 factors, namely: “authoritarian educational disposition”, “natural educational disposition”, “constructiveeducational protection”, “psychasthenic personal disposition”, “ambivalent personal disposition”, “indulgentlyindifferent personal disposition”, “dominant-aggressive disposition” extroverted personal disposition”,“introverted-pedantic personal disposition”, “passive-protective personal disposition”.It should be emphasized that when comparing the averages of the personal factors of the respondents,the factor assessment determined the quantitative measure of the manifestation of the personal factor.The data of statistically significant differences in the severity of the factors studied according to genderare summarized. It is determined that women are more prone to show a constructive attitude towards theirown child. A study of the factors studied by the level of family functioning. It is determined that membersof a dysfunctional and pseudo-functional family tend to establish and promote the cult of the child; strive tomeet the various needs of the child.Conclusions. Thus, the content of the outlined factors of parents is the core of successful organizationand implementation of psychological support.


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