• Iryna Ivanivna Lepska
Keywords: self-managing team, flexibility, engagement, staff retention, millennials, personal strengths, employee experience


The purpose of this paper is to conduct a theoretical analysis of psychological features of self-managing teams in information technology organizations. The method of processing of scientific sources on psychol­ogy, management and business, describing the modern problems of personnel management, has been used in this study. The results of the study show that information technology organizations are functioning under conditions of global changes. In a transforming world, new challenges occur when it comes to attracting and retaining employees as the most valuable asset of any organization. Information technology organizations, being project-oriented, usually use the teamwork structure, and building of self-managing teams is one of possible options. The concept of self-managing teams is defined. In addition, several characteristics which are required for successful self-managing team are identified, i.e.: joint responsibility, interdependence, empow­erment, common goal. Although teamwork is a quite common phenomenon in today’s organizations, there is ongoing search for new concepts that will help to optimize the activity of self-managing teams and achieve high synergy effect. Under certain conditions, self-managing teams can significantly improve organizational productivity. Most employees of information technology organizations belong to Generation Y or the millenni­als, so special attention is paid to their psychological features. It has been revealed that optimizing the strengths of employees increases their performance by 36%, and engagement – by 73%. Conclusions. Thus, the creation of self-managing teams is proposed as a flexible management framework that meets the requirements of the modern world. Along with this, it is important that managers and human resourse functions of information technology organizations consider those aspects of work experience what have the highest value for each group of employees. Understanding the mindset of millennials would facilitate the creation of a positive em­ployee experience in the workplace. In this context, the importance of ensuring the development of personal strengths in the work environment has been emphasized. According to experts, such strategy can ensure the successful development of an organization, even in times of uncertainty and change.


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