Keywords: combatants, combat experience, post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD factors, psychotraumatic situation


Purpose. Define the influence of combat experience on occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in servicemen for better understanding factors that cause the possibility of manifestation of stress disorders in servicemen. Methods. To implement the purpose, the theoretical method of analysis of literary sources on that issue has been applied, the empirical method was to conduct research on such diagnostic techniques as: “The Combat Exposure Scale” and “The Impact of Event Scale”. Based on the methods of The Combat Exposure Scale (CES) we have got an opportunity to define the level of intensity of the stressful action of the combat situation on combatants. The Impact of Event Scale (IES-R) is directed to identifying symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and assessment of the level of their severity. Due to Pirson’s correlation criterion the strength of the correlation connection between two indicators measured in quantitative scales was determined. Mathematical data processing was performed using a package of SPSS 17.0 statistical data for Windows. Results. The study found out that the same situation experienced by a person can be traumatic for one person and not for another, what depends on many factors. Scientists are currently investigating a wide range of factors of occurrence of stress disorders, although it is worth noting the approach of those scientists who consider the external factor as prevalent in the appearance of trauma, emphasizing the relationship between the intensity of combat experience and the emergence of psychogenies. It has been found that near 20% of the investigated servicemen have a high probability of development of PTSD. 79% are dominated by low and medium levels of traumatic event influence that indicates the expected, adequate level of adaptability to military events in combatants, there are no signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, they are well adapted to activities in extreme situations during service in the anti-terrorist operation zone. Quantitative and qualitative features of relation between the intensity of combat experience and PTSD manifestations have been revealed. It has been defined that some additional factors must be taken into account for the occurrence of PTSD, which determine PTSD, beside the intensity of combat experience. Conclusions. Based on the research, we can say that the presence of combat experience and stressful situations associated with it is not a major factor in the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder in combatants. That is those combatants, who had got light and medium intensity of combat experience, also showed some symptoms of PTSD. Conversely, those who had a high degree of intensity of combat experience did not always have manifestations of PTSD. Analysis of the research results showed that probably predominant meaning in the formation of PTSD in comparison with situational factors (intensity of combat experience) may have another factors. As theoretical analysis of scientific research confirmed, post-traumatic stress as a mental state is the result of a complex interaction of biological, psychological and social factors. That problem needs studies. Therefore, the prospect of further research may be to study the personal characteristics of combatants (character, temperament, intellect, etc.) and their influence on the development of PTSD.


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