Keywords: mental state, emotional state, emotional intelligence, distance learning, students, higher education institutions


The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the psycho-emotionalstate of students under distance learning in higher education institutions.Methods. A set of research methods are used in order to achieve the goal: a) theoretical – analysis, synthesis,comparison, generalization and systematization of obtained results; b) empirical – observation, conversation,psychodiagnostic techniques: a technique of “Self-assessment of mental states” by H. Eysenck – to determinethe indicators of mental states of students (anxiety, frustration, aggression, rigidity); a research techniqueof emotional intelligence by G. Hall – to determine the indicators and level of development of emotionalintelligence in students; test “Pre-examination well-being” (modification of the technique of S.I. Boltivets) – tostudy the psychological readiness for passing exams and pre-examination well-being of students; c) mathematicaland statistical data processing – descriptive statistics (finding the levels and frequency of expression of the traitin percent), linear correlation analysis by Pearson. Results. The study involved 80 students enrolled in 1st–2nd year of Master’s degree program at TernopilVolodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. The age of the respondents is 21–25 years. The studywas carried out during 2020–2021.It was found out that under distance learning, a third part of students have a high level of anxiety, frustration,aggression. They experience anxiety, confusion, worrying, disillusion associated with prolonged socialisolation, online learning, virtual communication with teachers and peers. More than half of students havean average level of the development of emotional intelligence therefore they are not always able to correctlyrecognize, understand and deal with emotions. Under distance learning half of the students showed an averagelevel of psychological readiness for the exam and not entirely good pre-examination well-being. They areemotionally tense before the exam, often feel fear, lack of self-confidence in themselves and their knowledge.Conclusions. It was found out that under distance learning psycho-emotional state of students significantlydeteriorates. Thereby, teachers need to create favorable conditions for students to study, taking into considerationtheir individual psychological characteristics, to provide them with psychological support.


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