Keywords: psychological support, stages of psychological support and theircontent, sports activities, athletes of adolescence, the program of psychological support for the training of athletes


Purpose. Сoverage of the results of theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the psychological support of adolescent athletes. The state of development of the researched problem is clarified, the maintenance of the basic stages of psychological support of sports activity is opened, the plan and tasks of the program of psychological support of preparation of sportsmen of teenage age are developed. Methods. To achieve this goal, general scientific methods of theoretical level were used: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific and theoretical data, which made it possible to characterize the main aspects and directions in which research is conducted on this issue. The scientific article is a generalized systematic study. Results. The article considers the problem and directions of the system of psychological support and accompaniment as one of the important components of modern training of young athletes. The author's scientific view on the content of psychological support of sports activities is described, which is the foundation for the development and implementation of the program of psychological support of training athletes. Conclusions. In the course of a theoretical study of the topic of psychological support of adolescent athletes, it was concluded that this issue requires thorough study and generalization. We believe that the purpose of psychological support for the training of athletes is the organization of professional growth planning, the formation of the psychological structure of the athlete, his constant readiness for coaching. The main task of psychological support is to create an effective program of psychological influence, interaction and support of athletes at all stages of long-term training and competitive activities.


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