Keywords: family upbringing, parents, teenagers, adolescence age, manners


The purpose of this article is a theoretical study and empirical study of the criteria and signs of harmoniousfamily upbringing of adolescents. Scientists have always been interested in establishing criteria for determiningthe success of raising children. But most of the research was devoted to the study of education in educationalinstitutions. In addition, there is a need to define certain criteria for assessing the results of the upbringingof adolescents, given the significant psychological features of this age period.Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization of scientificsources, comparison and generalization were used. Questionnaires were also conducted to study this issue withthe involvement of two groups of experts – parents and professionals.Results. In the course of the study of the criteria and signs of success of family upbringing of adolescents,the opinion of experts on the indicators of upbringing of adolescents and criteria for assessing upbringing wasstudied. Based on the results of studying the opinions of parents and experts, important indicators of adolescentupbringing were identified, including responsibility, respect for the dignity of others and personal freedom,respect for all forms of life and cultural values, self-control, optimism. A similar humanistic orientation of theseindicators has been found, which, according to all experts, is important and worthy of attention. The studyof the criteria for assessing the upbringing of adolescents also showed the similarity of the positions of parents and professionals in the education of adolescents. Differences of opinion were also found between the twogroups of experts on the importance of individual criteria.Conclusions. Understanding the results of the study allows us to conclude that family upbringing isa process of encouraging, supporting and developing a child through the efforts of parents and relatives frombirth to adulthood. Adolescence is characterized by the development and formation of personality, findingone's place in the society, emotional vulnerability and significantly affects the behavior of children. The resultof harmonious family upbringing of adolescents is responsibility, respect for the dignity of others and personalfreedom, respect for all forms of life and cultural values, self-control, optimism.


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