Keywords: leadership, leadership qualities, future teachers, pedagogical activity


The article analyses the main psychological theories and considers the theoretical aspects of the conceptof leadership qualities in future teachers. Purpose. The purpose of the publication is scientific study and systematization of experience on this issue,to identify the essential characteristics in the holistic structure of the personality of future teacher leaders inthe educational space of Institutions of Higher Education.Methods. In the research were used such a theoretical methods: content analysis, synthesis, classificationand generalization of scientific and theoretical provisions of the concept of "leadership qualities" in the moderneducational environment. The methodological basis of the article is the scientific concepts of native and foreignresearchers who have dealt with issues of leadership and leadership qualities. Different approaches of scientistson understanding the essence of leadership qualities of the individual and their features are considered. Thecomponents and criteria of leadership qualities from the standpoint of the psychology of work of the teacherare described. Leadership qualities of future teachers has an important role of the formation.Results. As a result of theoretical and methodological research, we analyzed, systematized and identifiedthe following components of leadership qualities in the holistic structure of the future teacher's personalityfrom the point of view of psychology of pedagogical work: motivational-value, emotional-communicative,organizational-regulatory and reflexive-evaluative.Conclusions. It is concluded that in the conditions of modernization of the educational system the teacherleaderbecomes an important strategic resource of all transformations, and is able to generate and perceiveinnovations, ready to show activity and creativity. Subjectivity and congruence are defined as the fundamentalqualities that determine the purposeful development of important personal and professional characteristics thatcontribute to the development of personality to the position of a leader.


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