Keywords: applicants for higher education, scientific and pedagogical workers, subjective sense of security, educational process in the HEI, psychophysiological manifestations of danger in educational activities


Purpose. Investigation of the peculiarities of psychophysiological characteristics of experiencing a senseof security by participants in the educational process in the process of introducing distance learning.Methods. A narrowly directed questionnaire was used developed by a team of specialists in the fieldof psychology. Its structure consisted of collecting general information; study of the features of the organizationof distance learning and associative ideas about the full-time and distance forms of the educational process(a list of associations to the words-stimuli “distance learning” and “full-time education”); determinationof the subjective level of personal safety in various forms of organization of the educational process: inan offline and online environment (5 point scaling: 1 – absolutely safe, 5 – absolutely dangerous environment).Results. There is a contextual significance of the conditions in which the individual feels protected. Theorganization of educational in a situation of transformation produces new risks and is perceived as a threat. The vast majority of respondents consider distance and face-to-face learning to be safe. The same percentageof respondents as distance learning consider full-time education unequivocally dangerous. It has been foundthat there is a significant direct link between a sense of security in online and offline learning.Conclusions. It was determined that the subjects who feel dangerous in the educational process feel insecurein any form of training organization. It is shown that respondents who felt comfortable in the traditional formof education will feel some anxiety and require a certain amount of time to adapt to new conditions. It has been proventhat distance learning is predominantly perceived as a negative phenomenon that requires a change in the usual orderof life. Face-to-face learning is associated with habitual behaviors that are generally perceived as comfortable.A group of associations is identified, which reflects the reflection of the psychophysiological statesof the respondents during distance and full-time education. The peculiarity of the representations that areattributed to the group of “psychophysiological” is due to the educational situation in which the participantsof the educational process find themselves. Two subgroups have been identified, which are characterized as“somatic” and “psychosomatic” manifestations.


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