Keywords: interpersonal emotional intelligence, intrapersonal emotional intelligence, tendency to dependent behavior, tendency to self-injurious behavior, tendency to suicidal behavior


Purpose. The aim of the study was to study the relationship between the propensity for auto-destructivebehavior and the emotional intelligence of adolescents.Methods. The methodology for diagnosing deviant behavior of minors (SDP test – propensity to deviantbehavior) was developed by E. V. Leus. Two scales were used from this technique: addictive (dependent),self-injurious (auto-aggressive) behavior. The questionnaire of suicidal risk (SR) in the modificationof T. N. Razuvaeva and the questionnaire for emotional intelligence (D. V. Lyusina).Results. in the main part, based on empirical material, it is shown that there is a negative relationshipbetween demonstrativeness and interpersonal emotional intelligence, intrapersonal emotional intelligence,understanding of emotions, emotion management by adolescents. A negative relationship between affectivityand interpersonal emotional intelligence, intrapersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of emotions,and emotion management by adolescents was revealed. The uniqueness of adolescents negativelycorrelates with intrapersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of emotions, and emotion managementby adolescents. A negative correlation was established between the failure and interpersonal emotionalintelligence, intrapersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of emotions and emotion management byadolescents. A negative correlation of social pessimism and interpersonal emotional intelligence, intrapersonalemotional intelligence, understanding of emotions, and emotion management of adolescents was revealed. Thetime perspective negatively correlates with interpersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of emotions,and emotion management in adolescents. A negative relationship between the impossibility of constructivefuture planning and intrapersonal emotional intelligence of adolescents has been revealed. The tendencyto dependent behavior of adolescents is negatively associated with interpersonal emotional intelligence,intrapersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of emotions and managing emotions. The tendency to auto-aggressive behavior of adolescents negatively correlates with interpersonal emotional intelligence,intrapersonal emotional intelligence, understanding of emotions and emotion management.Conclusions. As a result of an empirical study, the relationship between the propensity for auto-destructivebehavior and the emotional intelligence of adolescents was revealed. In conclusion, as a promising lineof development of this study, the approbation of the technology for the development of high emotionalintelligence as a psychological barrier to the tendency to auto-destructive behavior of adolescents is outlined.


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