Keywords: positive relations with others, sensitivity to others, self-attitude, hardiness, coping strategies, psychological well-being, motivation


Objective: to find factors, i.e. personal qualities, supporting the creation of positive relationships withothers and helping a person overcome too high, unhealthy sensitivity to others.Methods: indicator “positive relations with others” from the method studying psychological well-beingC. Riff and indicator “sensitivity to others” from Autonomy–Connectedness Scale (ACS–30) of BekkerM.H.J., van Assen M.A.L; General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M.), Ways of CopingQuestionnaire (Folkman and Lazarus), WIPPF, the Personality Views Survey III-R (S. Maddi), Self-AttitudeQuestionnaire (V.V.Stolin, S.R. Pantileev), Bass Orientation Personal Inventory, Zimbardo Time PerspectiveSyventory, Quality of Personality’s Life (Chykhantsova O.A.), Bradburn Scale of Psychological Well-Being,The Satisfaction with Life Scale (E. Diener et al.).Results: several personal traits were identified that were positively associated with “positive relations withothers” and negatively with “sensitivity to others”. These were self-attitude, hardiness, self-efficacy, abilityto cope with a new situation, self-understanding, choice of adaptive coping strategies in difficult situations.“Positive relations with others” were positively associated with intrinsic motivation, feelings of happiness, lifesatisfaction; and “sensitivity to others”, on the contrary, was positively associated with impersonal motivationand the predominance of negative emotions in life. Conclusions: positive relations with others support a person’s psychological well-being, but only if suchrelations are built on an equal footing. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with othersis influenced by good self-attitude and hardiness. The development of these personal traits is especially usefulif the ability to have positive relations is insufficiently developed. In addition, these personal traits will helpto get rid of excessive sensitivity to the will, views, thoughts, beliefs that may be imposed by other people. Toachieve positive relations on an equal basis, a person must rely on internal motivation, i.e. their own motivationin their actions, and also choose conditionally adequate coping strategies.


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