Keywords: expressed emotion, attitude, attitude towards self, others and the world, individuals with medical condition


The article aims to explore the concepts of attitude and expressed emotion in the modern foreign and domesticPsychology.The study applies the method of theoretical comparative analysis. The common and different featuresof the concepts of attitude and expressed emotion were revealed according to the parameters, particularlycontent of the concepts, the first application, theoretical approaches and models, methods and measuresof the research, subjects, objects and main features.The results of the study indicate that expressed emotion include warmth, hostility, criticism and emotionaloverwhelming, while attitude is represented by attitude towards self, others and the world. The results alsoshow that attitude is deeply connected with personality’s values, while expressed emotion is mostly relatedto the attitude towards others. The study indicates that expressed emotion and attitude have a great impacton quality of life of the individuals with medical conditions. The results also indicate that the main featuresfor attitude are modality (negative, positive, ambivalent), range and intensity, while the main features forexpressed emotion are modality (positive, negative) and level (high, medium, low). The conclusion of the article underlines that the main problem aligned with expressed emotion study isthe many of empirical results and the lack of methodological basis to generalize it. From this perspectivethe methodological basis for research of the category of attitude is the most appropriate. The prospectsof the study are to develop the methodological basis for research of the category of attitude in the contextof expressed emotion towards individuals with medical condition.


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