Keywords: personality development, adulthood, transition stage, viability, meaningfulness of life, life values


The purpose of the study is to study processes and psychological features of formation of human meaningin adulthood, due to the current uncertainty of social, economic and political situation and forces a person toconstantly determine his position and view of the world. Addressing this important issue is primarily about activityconsciousness of the individual, which aims to identify the meanings of events that occurring, constant search fornew meanings, on the basis of which it would be possible to determine their place and vital role in changing reality.Methods. Adulthood is the longest period of human life (from adolescence to old age), so it is better to studythis age by dividing it into separate stages. For our study, we chose the periodization of O.O. Bodalyov. Theinfluence of the age factor on the significance of human values and spheres of life for a person is consideredaccording to the method “Morphological test of life values” (by V.F. Sopiv, L.V. Karpushina), which is the resultof using and further improving the method of I.G. Senin. This made it possible to explore the peculiaritiesof meaning-making in adulthood. Results. Differences in the significance of life spheres between age groups are more pronounced thanrandom differences within the group. Thus, the importance of the spheres of life largely determines age. Theminimum level of significance of the spheres of life is in the period of early adulthood, and they are mostsignificant in the period of middle adulthood. Reaching the maximum value at this age, the level of importanceof the spheres of life decreases over the years.Conclusions. It was found that the meaning of personality, its clear awareness, its reliability, are determinedby viability, professional, family and age self-determination in life, which depends on the individual, his lifeposition, his socio-psychological and social maturity and activity. Based on the empirical study, it is concludedthat age largely determines the importance of life values and areas of life for man.As a result of the research it was found that during the transition from one age group of adulthood toanother the meaning formation changes, in particular: in the early period of adulthood in the first place arethe prospects of learning, professional self-determination; in the middle period of adulthood – career prospects,family life; in late adulthood – the prospects of social status.


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