
Purpose. The aim of the study is to evaluate the main psychometric properties of the Ukrainian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II). Normative scores, internal consistency, factor structure, test-retest reliability, convergent and discriminant validity, and sensitivity to distinguish between non-clinical and subclinical samples were explored. Methods. Data from six non-clinical (N = 817) and three subclinical samples (N = 142) were collected. A sample of 43 students was used to assess test-retest reliability, over 3 weeks period. Acceptance Scale, CompACT, OQ-45.2, GAD-7, PHQ-9 and TIPI were used to determine convergent and discriminant validity of AAQ‑II. Results. Normative scores of AAQ-II were 19 ± 9 for men and 24 ± 11 for women. There was no significant correlation between psychological inflexibility and age. AAQ-II showed a good internal consistency with Cronbach’s α coefficient in 9 samples between 0.89–0.95. Results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis indicated that AAQ-II is unidimensional questionnaire with 7 items (RMSEA=0.093, SRMR = 0.028, GFI= 0.966, NFI=0.974, CFI=0.979, N=817). AAQ‑II demonstrated an acceptable level of testretest reliability (r = 0.85) in three weeks period. AAQ-II had good convergent validity with another measure of psychological flexibility (CompACT) (r= - 0.65), as well as with the measures of distress (OQ-45.2) (r= 0.58–0.80), anxiety (GAD-7) (r= 0.52–0.60) and depression (PHQ-9) (r= 0.52–0.60). AAQ‑ІІ highly correlated with distress and didn’t correlate with the ability to accept the negative experiences per se. AAQ‑ІІ had good discriminant validity with measure of personal traits (TIPI), as theoretically predicted. The questionnaire was sensitive to distinguish between non-clinical and subclinical samples, and between people on the different stages of the rehabilitation and progress of the disease. Conclusions. Ukrainian version of Acceptance and Action questionnaire (AAQ‑II) demonstrated acceptable and promising psychometric properties. The results in terms of reliability and validity of AAQ‑II were consistent with previous studies. The questionnaire is recommended to use in research and psychotherapy practice.


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