Keywords: psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis, psychocorrection, psychoemotional state, coping behavior, prenosological forms.


Purpose: to reveal the current medical and psychological problems of the population during the hybrid war, as well as to identify ways to solve and prevent them. Methods: theoretical and methodological analysis, clinical interview, psychological testing, questionnaires. Results. 31% (30 people) among the studied had manifestations of anxiety, 30% (29 people) had mental stress, 27% (26 people) had manifestations of asthenia, 27% (26 people) had manifestations of autonomic disorders, 26% (25 people) had manifestations of neurotic depression, 23% (22 people) had low-stress resistance, and 22% (21 people) showed negative self-esteem of emotional state. According to the results of the initial diagnosis established that a third of the sample group has psychological problems that provoke the development of mental illness. To prevent deep mental pathology, 29 respondents were recommended an additional (in-depth) diagnostic examination, which allowed them to identify more complex psycho-emotional disorders. Conclusions. The main medical and psychological problems during the hybrid war are connected with the fact that having a large amount of information the population has a shortage of real data on the socio-economic situation of the country due to which there is uncertainty about their future. The majority of respondents (78%) have a low awareness of coping with acute and chronic stress, perception of their own physiological and spiritual needs is secondary or absent at all. The consequences of this are the development of symptomatic manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder (37.4% of respondents), asthenia (27% of respondents), autonomic disorders (27% of respondents), neurotic depression (26% of respondents). In solving medical and psychological problems of the population were particularly effective: the use of multilevel diagnostics, organization of comprehensive medical and psychological care, individualization of each case, compliance with the “brigade” principle, promoting information culture and psychological security of each individual, by increasing mass-media content filtration, increasing stress resistance due to the spread of tutoring to increase motivation, self-efficacy, personal development.


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