Keywords: crisis, personal crisis, experience of crisis, identity, achieved identity, moratorium, premature identity, diffuse identity.


The article considers the problem of experiencing a personal crisis, in particular in early adulthood. The purpose of the article is to determine indicators of experiencing a personal crisis in early adulthood based on the status model of identity. Objectives: to determine levels of personal crisis experience based on the status model of identity in early adulthood; empirically outline the indicators of each level. The experience of the crisis is seen as a form of human activity. The purpose of the crisis is to overcome the critical situation. Сrisis positive end to the contributes to the development of personality аnd acquirement a status of the achieved identity. Diffusion of identity is the result of the negative impact of the crisis. The criteria that predict the experience of the crisis are: acceptance of one’s own identity, acquirement of integrity; searching and analysis of existing and search for new aspects of identity; reviewing accepted aspects of identity with alternatives which are more consistent with the new situation conditions. The methods investigation the indicators of experiencing a personal crisis are the method of “Who am I?” M. Kuna, T. McPertland and cluster analysis for interpretation of results. The prognostic criterion for determining the status of identity is the ability to reflect, in particular the ability to differentiate identity analysis and free actualization in the respondents own cognitive-affective formations of identity. Results. The main indicators of experiencing a personal crisis in students are identified premature identity status with insufficient level of self-differentiation, acceptance of “ready”, unanalyzed aspects of self, related to the fulfillment of social roles; diffuse identity, the indicators of which are the inability to carry out an in-depth analysis of the actual characteristics of the self and the absence of potential self and integration identity; “search moratorium” the indicators of which are depth analysis aspects of real and potential self and integration of different aspects of the self. Experiencing a crisis is a form of human activity aimed at overcoming a critical situation and entering a positive vector to a new level of personality development, which provides a new resource, experience, integrated into the identity structure, with a negative – fragmentation, destructive changes that reduce resilience. Experiencing a personal crisis at the cognitive level concerns changes, in particular in self-awareness, identity formation.


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