Keywords: teacher, mental health, stress, self-acceptance, professional destruction, professional accentuations.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal and study the concept of “mental health” and its relationship with the age and pedagogical experience of teachers, to identify signs of mental health at different ages. Methods. The paper uses a set of theoretical methods, such as: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific psychological literature. Results. Today, teachers are subject to high requirements for the organization of the educational process, the education of students. Of course, a teacher can fulfill these requirements only when he has good health, a positive attitude towards him, as well as to preserve and strengthen his pupils, maintain a healthy lifestyle, which contributes to improving efficiency, full use of professional knowledge and skills. in practice. On the basis of the analysis can be classified patterns of development of attitudes to their health in teachers, which will concentrate educational resources and create corrective manuals for prevention, rehabilitation, forming a healthy lifestyle of teachers as a professional group designed to educate a healthy younger generation. Conclusions. Teachers, whose main task is to teach and educate students, should have appropriate training in the formation and maintenance of the health of their students. The obtained results allow us to speak about the need for psychological help and support of a professional group of teachers. The health of the teacher determines the effectiveness of his professional activities and is a major factor in maintaining the mental health of students. Preservation of teachers’ psychological health is possible only with a comprehensive approach to solving this problem. It is necessary to organize work aimed at increasing the stress resistance of the teacher, increasing his self-esteem, self-acceptance, reducing anxiety, self-aggression and self-destruction. Another important area should be to increase the literacy of teachers in maintaining and strengthening their own health.


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