Keywords: personality, vitality, academic burnout, well-being and mental health, meaningful life orientations.


Purpose. The aim of our study is to identify the reasons for the decline in the quality of knowledge and academic burnout of junior students as a manifestation of mental instability. Recommendations for the organization of the educational process in the distance form to ensure the well-being and mental health of students are formulated. Methods. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire, which was developed at the request of the pedagogical council of the college in Google form online. Results. About 90% of students felt psychological pressure during distance learning. Among them: 49,7% due to the large amount of homework and the lack of full consultation with the teacher; 10% due to increased demands from his family. Also, 17% suffered from a lack of full communication with friends and classmates. 44,3% during the quarantine have lost interest in everything new and as a result have large educational debts and are in a depressed mood. 5,1% of respondents who are prone to bouts of unreasonable laughter or crying as a manifestation of an unbalanced mental state are extremely worried. About 21% of students now feel mostly sadness, resentment and helplessness and no longer restrain their aggression in communication. 35,8% of respondents are in a state of extreme mental absence of all desires. Thus, 61% of respondents show an unstable mental state. Students show psychological immaturity, but have fair remarks about the teaching methods of the subjects and the lack of communication with teachers. Conclusions. The study found: 1) 42–44% of students with high educational debt are able to eliminate failure on their own; 2) 30–31% of students need careful supervision by parents and teachers; 3) 25–28% of students need help from family, qualified teachers and psychological services. Now the important role of the mentor and the psychological knowledge of teachers for the well-being of students. Any situation through feedback can be resolved positively if it is discussed constructively and in an atmosphere of trust. Today requires that the content of the curriculum be exciting, and the methodological support of the courses have clearly defined multi-level objectives and assessment criteria.


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