• Mariana Ihorivna Mykolaichuk
  • Kseniia Bohdanivna Troianovska
Keywords: uncertainty tolerance, psychological state, adaptive resources of the family, premaridge counseling


Purpose. Uncertainty tolerance (UT) is an important, well-studied phenomenon in health care and many other important domains of life, yet its conceptualization in the context of the well-being of marital relations requires additional research. So our purpose was to investigate the relationship between the tolerance of uncer­tainty and the level of psychological well-being in marital relations.

Methods. The objectives of this study were to: 1) analyze the significance and logical consistency of UT, and 2) investigate the relationship between indicators of UT and satisfaction with marriage, the emotional parameters of the sphere of marital relations. We have provided correlation analysis of indicators of marriage quality, satisfaction with marriage and tolerance of uncertainty in 42 married couples who applied and did not seek psychological help in the period from 1 to 10 years of married life.

Results: correlation analysis showed the presence of statistically significant relationships between indicators of tolerance to uncertainty and components of family well-being. It has been established that the measure of sat­isfaction with marriage is related to all three indices of tolerance to uncertainty: attitude towards novelty, attitude towards complex tasks, attitude towards uncertain situations . Also, the inverse correlation between the indicators of family anxiety and UT is found to suggest that the inability to accept uncertainty is associated with high levels of anxiety, guilt and tension in marriage. Using correlation analysis, it was determined that with the increase in marital age the tolerance of uncertainty increases, but the level of satisfaction with marriage decreases. Probably, with the increase in the length of marital life, the influence of additional factors on the measure of satisfaction with marriage increases and the influence of the indicator of tolerance to uncertainty decreases.

Conclusions. The obtained indicators should be used to develop tolerance to uncertainty at the stage of preparation for family life in premaridge counseling.


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