Keywords: psychosocial development, hyperactivity, attention deficit, oppositional behavior, gender aspect.


The article is devoted to the analysis of differences in symptoms of behavioral disorders among adolescents of different genders, differences in their psychosocial functioning and the nature of oppositional behavior. Purpose is to identify the characteristics of behavioral disorders, psychosocial state, the level of externalized and internalized symptoms among adolescent boys and girls. Methods. The method of mathematical statistics is a paired Student’s t-test for comparing dependent samples. To diagnose behavioral disorders, we used the NICHQ Vanderbilt methodology of symptoms of behavioral disorders in children and adolescents – form A (for parents or guardians of a child). To diagnose psychosocial development, we used the methodology of M. Jellinek and M. Murphy “The List of Childhood Symptoms” in the Ukrainian adaptation of PSC-UKR and Y-PSC-UKR (Lutsenko et al., 2019). Results. We found that adolescents, regardless of gender differences, have some features and difficulties of psychosocial functioning and pronounced symptoms of problem behavior. Boys got better results on the scales: “attention deficit”, “hyperactivity”, “impulsivity”, “other behavior problems”. These results prove that boys display their oppositional behavior in external ways. This finding was confirmed by a study using the “Childhood Symptom List” methodology. Girls show a tendency to avoid contact when they show their behavioral protest. The distribution of indicators of symptoms of attention disorder and hyperactivity disorder revealed practically the same results on the scales of “attention deficit” and “hyperactivity”. Manifestations of anxiety and even depressive mood are characteristic of both: boys and girls adolescents. Conclusions. Adolescents are characterized by oppositional behavior towards parents and adults. Reason: at this age there is a conflict between the desire for autonomy from parents and the habitual dependence on them. It is very important to take into account the gender aspect during the period of raising children, because boys and girls show different behaviors.


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