Keywords: self-realization, identity, student-psychologist, self-actualization, integration.


The article is devoted to the topical problem of self-realization of students-psychologists. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and empirically investigate the integrative approach to the peculiarities of self-realization of students of different sexes. Methods. To study the level of self-realization of the individual, the following methods were used: 1. “Self-actualization test” (SAT) L.Ya. Gozman and M.V. Through. SAT test; 2. Methods of research of personal identity and (MILІ in Russian) L.B. Schneider. The SPSS for Windows application software, versions 16.0 and 11.5.0, was used to process the research data and calculate the statistics. Results. Summing up, we can say that students’ self-realization is a conscious and purposeful process of discovering and materializing the essential forces in their activities, conscious planning of their own lives and implementation of life plans. The sample consisted of students in grades 1–5 aged 18–22. Analysis of the results obtained on the scales of the above methods can be concluded that students recognize their own lives as quite productive. They are able to assume certain responsibilities to society as a result of independent decisions regarding the chosen model strategies, communicative and professional roles, ethical values. They have formed a high level of responsibility, they are independent, able to analyze the features of their “I”, their actions, better understand themselves, internally self-sufficient. In addition, the subjects have a fairly high level of need for self-realization. Conclusions. According to the results of our study, we can conclude that the process of self-realization is due to a person’s ability to master their own inner world by structuring it through the use of value criteria. It is established that male students have statistically significantly higher indicators of competence over time, support, valuable orientations, self-esteem, understanding of human nature, self-acceptance. In general, men have more opportunities for self-realization in higher education than girls, they are more confident and more focused.


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